Greetings! Welcome to my website.
My name is James W. Saunoris and I am a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Eastern Michigan University.
I received a B.S. in Economics and Finance as well as a M.S. in Applied Economics from Illinois State University. I received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Kentucky.
My current research interests are in the areas of applied macroeconomics and public finance with a focus on entrepreneurship and the economics of the shadow economy and corruption.
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My teaching interests include macroeconomics, public economics, entrepreneurship, and econometrics.
I invite you to explore my website to find more information on my teaching and research.
Contact Information:
James W. Saunoris
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Economics
703 Pray-Harrold
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 1(734) 487-3068
email: jsaunori <at> emich <dot> edu.